
Why Solar Power is the Best Energy Solution in Ireland
Ireland is a great place to install solar energy systems. Not only does the country have a long history of using renewable energy, but it also has one of the highest levels of sunshine in Europe! Find out more.
What Does The Future Hold For EVs?
This blog post will explore these questions and discuss the future of electric vehicles. We will also take a look at the accessibility of EV charging stations and how that is changing.
Solar Powered EV Charging Station for Home: Your Guide to Going Green
If you're looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment, you may want to consider using a solar powered EV charging station for home. Read to learn more.
Green Energy Revolution in Ireland: Make a Difference with EcoPlex
The Green Energy Revolution is sweeping the world, and Ireland is leading the charge! In this blog post, we will explore how the Green Energy Revolution in Ireland is taking place and what this means for the future of renewable energy.
Working Towards a Greener Future with EcoPlex Energy Solutions
EcoPlex Energy Solutions is a Dublin-based renewable energy company providing the latest green technology to homes and businesses.
The Cheapest Electric Car in Ireland 2022: Guide to Save Money and the Environment
We'll also discuss some of the benefits of owning an electric car, and we'll provide tips on how to make the switch to electric driving!
EV Charging Point Grants for All Households: No Electric Car Required
If you're one of the thousands of people in Ireland who have been thinking about buying an electric car but haven't pulled the trigger yet, we've got some good news for you!
Why Climate Change Matters To You: Go Green with EcoPlex
In this blog post, we will discuss why climate change matters to you. We will explore how climate change affects everything from your health to your job security. You may be surprised to learn just how much climate change can impact your life!