
Green Energy Revolution in Ireland: Make a Difference with EcoPlex

Published on
February 7, 2023

The Green Energy Revolution is sweeping the world, and Ireland is leading the charge! In this blog post, we will explore how the Green Energy Revolution in Ireland is taking place and what this means for the future of renewable energy. We will also take a look at some of the initiatives that have been put in place to make Ireland a leader in green energy technology. So, let's get started!

Ireland is leading the way when it comes to sustainability and renewable energy.

The country has been ranked as the world’s most sustainable nation! This is thanks to a number of initiatives that have been put in place to promote green energy. For example, the Irish government has invested heavily in wind energy, with over €13 billion being invested in onshore and offshore wind farms. This has resulted in a ten-fold increase in wind energy production in Ireland over the last decade.

SEAI Solar Panel Grant

Aside from this, the Green Energy Revolution in Ireland is also evident in the Solar Panel Grants that the government offers to people. SEAI offers homeowners the Solar PV Scheme which provides applicants with a one-time grant to purchase and install solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and an energy storage battery within homes. The SEAI Solar PV Grant provides homeowners with up to €12,700 to cover the installation cost of solar panels. The amount you get depends on the area of the house and the number of panels you've installed. Before beginning the installation, you must have been awarded your solar panel grants. It is suggested that your home be constructed and well-insulated so that you can get the maximum benefits from your solar PV system. This helps ensure that you're cutting down energy costs in as many ways as you can. To be eligible to receive the award, you need to:

  • Be a homeowner in Ireland
  • Have a BER Certificate for your home
  • Choose an SEAI-registered contractor to set up your solar panels.

If you meet the requirements, you can make an application for the grant through the SEAI's website.

EV Home Charger Installation Grant (No Electric Car Required)

The government recently stunned the Irish people with the announcement that even household owners without an EV can avail of the EV Home Charger Installation Grant!The grant, which is worth up to €600, will go towards the cost of installing a home charger for an electric car. The move is part of the government's plan to have one million electric vehicles on Irish roads by 2030.There are currently over 12,000 public charge points for electric vehicles in Ireland, with more being added all the time. However, this grant will allow people to charge their cars at home, making it even easier to make the switch to an electric vehicle.To be eligible to receive the grant, you need to:

  • Be a homeowner in Ireland
  • Have Park off-street in a parking space
  • Make use of an SEAI-registered contractor to connect your charger

If you are able to meet these requirements If you meet these criteria, you may submit a request for the grant through SEAI's website.

E-car charging point grant for businesses

Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA) is an aid to companies pay for the costs of installing charging points for electric cars. Its amount is contingent on the kind of charger you choose to install.In order to be eligible for the ACA To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Start a business in Ireland
  • Parking off-street is available for employees or customers of your business.

Ireland’s Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan 2021 is an ambitious plan to set Ireland on a sustainable track, reducing emissions, resulting in a cleaner, more sustainable, greener society and economy, and defending people from the devastating effects of climate change.

Renewable Energy Source and Lower Gas Emission

The Climate Action Plan follows the Climate Act 2021, which is a commitment by Ireland to a legally binding goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and an emission reduction of 51% by 2030.This is an enormous opportunity to create jobs and expand companies in areas such as off-shore wind farms, the latest technology in agriculture, or retrofitting, which makes our homes safer and warmer. This is what makes Ireland one of the more ambitious nations on the planet regarding climate change.

Sustainable Transport Solutions

It is expected that the Sustainable Mobility Policy will play an important role in assisting Ireland's ambition to cut down on the greenhouse gas emissions it produces in the next decade. It will allow people to take a walk or cycle, and public transport instead of diesel or petrol cars.The plan of action for 2025 outlines actions to enhance and broaden sustainable mobility options across the nation by offering green, safe, accessible, and effective alternatives to car trips.To reach Ireland's target of emission reduction of 51% by 2030, the strategy is to provide at least 500k additional daily active journeys and public transport trips by 2030, as well as 10% less the number of miles driven by cars powered by fossil fuels.

Ireland to reach 100% renewable energy by 2050

Currently, Ireland is on track to meet its goal of sourcing all of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030.In 2020, Ireland generated a record amount of electricity from renewable sources, with wind energy accounting for almost 42% of all electricity generated. This is an increase from 2017 when wind energy accounted for just over 30% of all electricity generated. The Green Energy Revolution in Ireland is well underway and the country is leading the way when it comes to sustainability and renewable energy. With the right policies in place, Ireland could be the first country in the world to reach 100% renewable energy by 2050!

Take Action in the Green Revolution in Ireland

Now that you know a bit more about the Green Energy Revolution in Ireland, it's time to take action and join the movement! Here are some ways you can get involved:

  1. Support Irish businesses that are committed to sustainability and renewable energy.
  2. Vote for political candidates who have environmental policies at the forefront of their platforms.
  3. Educate yourself and others about climate change and what we can do to mitigate its effects.
  4. Make lifestyle changes that will help reduce your carbon footprint, such as eating less meat, driving less, and recycling more.
  5. Switch to Solar Panels and EV Cars to make use of renewable energy.

If you have no idea how to get started with using solar panels and installing EV car chargers at your place, EcoPlex can help you out. EcoPlex Energy Solutions is an Irish company that is committed to helping businesses go green and save money. We offer a range of services, including energy audits, solar panel installation, and EV charger installation. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make your business more sustainable! The Green Energy Revolution is happening all over the world, and Ireland is leading the charge. Be part of the movement and make a difference today!

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