What are the Pros and Cons of an Electric Car?

Published on
February 7, 2023

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Electric Vehicle: The Pros and Cons

What are the pros and cons of an Electric car? how sustainable are they for the environment? How likely are the chances that the electric revolution would replace conventional vehicles? These are the central questions asked by all about EV's.EVs are beginning to start filling roads worldwide as manufacturers improve battery power and provide better range. Between 2020 and 2026, the size of the global EV market is expected to rise fourfold to reach an estimated global market size of 725 million U.S. dollars by 2026. Electric Vehicles vs Conventional Vehicles: Carbon emissions

Governments worldwide are trying to find new ways to eliminate greenhouse emissions after the climate change goals set during the Paris agreement. Around 14% of the global greenhouse emissions fall under the transportation industry. In accordance with the Paris agreement, the European Union has set a target of a 20% reduction of greenhouse emissions by 2025 and a 40% reduction by 2030.Finally, before jumping into the pros and cons of EVs, it is of utmost importance to understand the impact of EVs on reducing carbon emissions.Electric Car: Pros and ConsThere are several notable EV pros and cons, they are as follows:

Pros of Electric Vehicle:

  1. Environment friendly:
  2. Many car buyers are convinced to transition from conventional vehicles to EV's mainly because of the environmental implications. EV's do not use an exhaust system and hence, have no emissions. Zero-emission results in cleaner air and fewer greenhouse gases.
  3. Purchasing incentives:
  4. EV's when compared to conventional vehicles are expensive. Therefore, to increase the popularity and usage of EV's, governments across the globe are providing various grants and incentives, making them affordable for drivers. To learn about grants available in Ireland, click here.
  5. Ensures comfort:
  6. EV's provide no noise whatsoever, which is significant. The only noise that can be heard are outside noises, i.e. tyre, wind and road noises, which is quite minimal. Nowadays, manufacturers are adding sound generators on EV's for pedestrians and other road users to make aware of the presence of a vehicle. Furthermore, as the batteries are usually installed low in the car, it provides more space for the passenger when compared to conventional vehicles, therefore adding comfort.
  7. Better performance:
  8. EV motors provide instant torque delivery, which makes EV's surprisingly quick of the bat. Put your leg through the accelerator, and you will be reaching speeds much quicker in an EV. However, there is a risk of draining the battery power and hence, compromising the driving range.
  9. Electricity as a renewable source:
  10. EV's can be powered through natural means (air, wind and water power), providing sustainability. Moreover, electricity rates when compared to gasoline are much economical. In addition, many EVs use regenerative braking, which adds up to the vehicle's driving range.

Cons of Electric Vehicle:

  1. Shorter range:
  2. EV manufacturers are still trying to find ways out to way to increase driving range. Usually, on a full charge EV's can get between 60 to 100 miles. When compared, certain conventional cars can make it up to 400 miles on a full tank.
  3. Charging time:
  4. Filling up a petrol/diesel tank might take three minutes at the gas station. However, that is not the same case when it comes to charging an EV. EV's in general, take up to 20 hours to full charge. Moreover, newer and more expensive EV's charge in as quickly as four hours. So finally, new EV owners need to get accustomed to this new habit.
  5. Difficult to find a charging station:
  6. EV infrastructure is still growing worldwide; however, in certain countries especially developing nations, EV charging stations are a rarity; as a result, making road trips on an EV an arduous task.
  7. Lack of model options:
  8. Car manufacturers have been building, innovating and testing out traditional vehicle models for over 100 years. Mass production of EV's did not start until the '90s. When comparing EVs with conventional vehicles, there is a considerable gap in model options.

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